Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness Week- Wednesday!

Wow. It is already Wednesday of RAK week! I can't believe it! I have already seen such a shift in the attitudes of some of our staff and students. I keep having students come up to me and tell me some of the RAKs they have done or ones they have seen.

Morning Announcements for Wednesday!

Good morning! This is Agent Anna and Agent Elsa from the AIS Secret Service. Today is the third day of Random Acts of Kindness week. Today’s message is about showing appreciation to those who help you. Appreciation is when you are thankful for what someone else has done for you. Try to find the time today to say THANK YOU to the people who mean the most to you. Remember: a simple “thank you” can go a long way!

Our School-wide RAK
Today some of the "Secret Agents" went out during our DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time and chalked our play area. We don't have a play ground and we are located in the city. However, we do have some pavement outside. The agents COVERED the area in nice phrases and RAK week information. Some of the stuff included things like...

- "RAK WEEK 2014"
- "Be kind to others!"
- "Make someone's day!"
- "Respect!"
- "Smile!"
-"You are awesome!"
-"What RAK have you done today?"

Needless to say, it definitely got our students attention! Unfortunately, since that is our only real play area at the school, the chalk has already started to fade away. The "agents" had a lot of fun doing it and got to wear their sunglasses and badges out in the sun. 

Around the school...

I keep receiving and hearing about RAKs from students and teachers and I can really feel the love at AIS. 

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