Wednesday, October 30, 2013

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Skits

Since my school uses Character Counts! Six Pillars of Character , I try to incorporate the Pillars into my Classroom Guidance Lessons as much as possible. This week, I used a grab bag of different items to reiterate the different kinds of Respect that we sing in our school song (Respect Yourself, Respect Others, Respect the School, Respect Learning). Then, I grouped students into four groups and they had to create skits on their type of Respect (They had to show disrespect AND respect in the same skit).

The skits were absolutely hilarious and I was very impressed with how creative the students were. With my fifth graders, I even made it a little more challenging and had them incorporate random props into their skits (hula hoop, giant lady bug, dog puppet, and an obnoxiously massive cardboard tube I found). It was a huge success.

One of the funniest things that happened was when a student was using a hula hoop in the "respect for learning" skit. He took the hula hoop and was tapping another student who was pretending to study. When she asked him to stop, he said, "Where in the rule does it say no hula hoop tapping on other people while studying?" I love my students. I love my job.

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