Last year, I ran an after-school Origami group and used it to teach Patience and Persistence. I found it to be a HUGE success! Here is the outline for how I ran the group just in case you want to try it out at your school!
**DISCLAIMER**: I am BY NO MEANS an Origami expert. I found most of these activities online and focused on the process of the group more than the actual Origami skill set.
Session Outline
Group Size: 8-10 Group
duration: 40 minutes Grades:
Session #1: Students will be introduced
to the purpose of the group and will help create set rules for the group. Each
member of the group will also be given a brown paper lunch bag to keep their
origami creations in as they move throughout the group. At the end of the
group, they will be able to take home their bag full of their creations. The
first session is also a good time to go over the different types of origami
paper you may be using (recycled paper squares, large origami paper, small
origami paper, floral paper, etc.). Students will also learn how to make
“perfect squares” out of recycled paper (folding over on corner to the side so
that it makes a square and then cutting). Have students create about 4 or 5
perfect squares for them to use throughout the group. If there is time,
students can decorate their paper bag.

Session #4: Allow students to explore
different types of folds and have them work independently to see how they can
use persistence and patience. Use frustrations as “teaching moments” and point
out situations of persistence. Some simple suggested folds include:
For students who finish early or easily, have
Origami books or separate print-out instructions for other various folds for
them to explore.
**Usually, there will be some students who express
frustration or will want the teacher or other students to complete the folds
for them. This is a great time to bring up Kiri and how her persistence paid
off and how rewarding it is to succeed on your own accord.**
Optional: After students have
practiced some of their own folds independently, tell them that their “take-home
task” is to find an origami video online and to create one creation at home
independently to share with the group.
Session #5: If students completed the “take-home
task”, have them share their creations with the group and share if they found
it frustrating or not and how they used persistence and/or patience. Students
will then take some time to review some of the things they have created thus
far within the group. Students will be able to reflect on how they have
improved already and which different folds have given them the most difficulty
thus far. The focus of this session will be “support”. Share with students that
sometimes in life, we need others to help support us and that we can be that
support for others as well. Students will make an origami heart and on the
flat-side write an encouraging statement. Allow them to make more than one and
to share them with people who encourage them. Have students keep one for
themselves in their bag.
Session #6: If possible, reserve the
computer lab to allow students to explore different kinds of folds
independently. Have them aim for creations that challenge them but are still
“good fits” (not too difficult, not too easy). Have them explore independently
and create 3-5 different creations. At the end, have them share what they
created with the group. Some good websites for kids to explore include:
Session #7: Share with students that
they are going to be given a more difficult task to complete today. The chance
of frustration with this more advanced fold is high and can serve as valuable
teaching moments for students.
This time should also be used by students to
encourage one another and work together some if possible. End the group by
reflecting on the process of making the “Golden Snitch”.
Session #8: End of group celebration!
Students will be able to review their creations in group and will have a mini
celebration. Each student will receive a Certificate of Achievement, a list of
the websites to use, and a few sheets of origami paper for them to take home to
continue to practicing.
Have you run an Origami group before? How was it? Did you find it successful? What challenges did you face?
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