*DISCLAIMER: The following is a look at MY own schedule as a first-year counselor. I understand that every School Counselor has a different school dynamic, case load, and schedule.*
Smooth Sailing Days
7:30: Arrive at school, grab a cup of coffee and check-email.
8:00: Head downstairs, greet students and check-in.
8:15: Bell rings (I usually spend this time wishing students a good day and assisting as needed)
8:30-8:50: Individual Counseling (various presenting concerns)
8:50-9:30: Committee Meetings/Admin Meetings/Teacher Meetings
9:30-10:00: Prepare for Small groups/Classroom lessons
10:00-10:40: Classroom Lesson or data entry
10:40-11:05: Have lunch with individual student (this is when I may eat lunch too)
11:05-11:30: Girls Lunch Bunch
11:35-12:30: Individual Counseling (various presenting concerns)
12:30-1:00: Check-in with teachers/admin
1:00-1:50: Small Group
1:50-2:15: Check-in with other Counselors at MS and HS
2:20-3:15: Classroom Lesson
3:15: Bid farewell to students
3:30: Respond to emails
4:00: Leave school!
Crazy Hectic Days
7:30: Arrive at school, immediately see a child crying in the corner. Check-in with student and try to assist as needed.
7:45: Get to my room, see I have at least 15 unread emails ranging in topics from classroom bullying issues to HR notices to IEPs.
8:00: Go to grab a cup of coffee, get stopped by at least 3 different students saying things like:
- "Ms. Sara, Timmy says I am cheating but I am not cheating! Make him stop!"
- "Ms. Sara, can I meet with you today? I am having the worst luck ever."
- "Ms. Sara, Jenny is being so bossy. I told her I don't want to play with her anymore but she keeps bugging me!"
and also at least 3 different teachers saying things like:
- "I meant to email you, I really need you to meet with one of my students, they are driving me CRAZY!"
- "I notice that my girls in class keep getting into conflicts, I don't know what to do anymore. Do you have any suggestions?"
- "Did you meet with this student? What kinds of things do you guys talk about?"
I respond to the best of my ability to all of the above...
8:15: Bell rings, greet students (still no coffee)
8:18: See a student who is refusing to go to class...respond as needed.
8:30: Finally get student to class, realize I am supposed to go to a 5th grade class and do a lesson on empathy.
8:32-9:00: Lesson on Empathy with 5th grade
9:05: Principal finds me, "I was looking for you, we need to meet about this student..now."
9:05-9:35: Meet with Principal
9:35-9:55: Individual student who has anger management difficulties
10:00-10:35: Individual student who discloses she witnessed a domestic violence situation at home, respond as needed.
10:35-10:45: Grab coffee, finally...See a TA who is in tears over an altercation between her and her teacher. Try to assist as needed.
10:45: Lunch Bunch with 2nd grade
11:05: Lunch with 4th grade student (eat lunch as well)
11:35: Individual student with social anxiety
11:55: Individual student who is a bullying victim
12:20: Lesson on Self-Control with First Grade
1:00-1:50: Small Group
1:50-2:15: Teacher brings in crying student, assist as needed.
2:15-2:30: Different teacher comes in asking for advice about a student.
2:30-3:00: Individual student who has self-regulation difficulties
3:00-3:15: Read-aloud to Kindergarten
3:15: Realize I have nothing prepared for After-school club
3:15-3:30: Quickly prepare for club
3:30-4:30: After-school activities
4:30: Same TA from earlier wants to discuss situation with teacher, support as needed.
5:00: Check my email one more time before leaving school, realize I have yet to respond to all of the emails from the morning and now have at least 10 more emails added to my list. Including some emails saying: "Please respond before the end of the day"
5:00-5:30: Respond to emails
5:30: Go to leave school, see a student sitting by himself waiting for his parents, looking quite down. Join him until parents come.
5:45: Finally leave school, feeling exhausted, somewhat defeated, yet somewhat excited to have finished the day.
So these are just two examples of SOME of the many days I have as a School Counselor. I want to know, what kind of days do YOU have?