Monday, February 24, 2014

Self-care in times of need...

Hello Counseling friends!

Last semester, I went to a conference called the South East Asian Counsellors Network Conference. It was held in Ho Chi Minh City at the British International School in District 2. Counselors from all over SEA were here to discuss and learn more about counseling and counseling interventions. One of the workshops was focused on professional self-care. We discussed some things we do to make sure we have self-care; some of the things that came up were:

  1. Reading a good book 
  2. Listening to music
  3. Yoga and other exercise 
  4. Traveling 
  5. Talking with other counselors 
  6. Going for a walk 
  7. Favorite hobbies 
  8. Baking or cooking 
  9. Pampering yourself (massage, manicure/pedicure, etc) 
  10. Making time for friends and family 
and more! 

However, even though I know some ways to practice self-care, I have had some difficulty doing it lately. I don't know if anyone else experiences this but I can imagine it would be quite common. Sometimes I come home from work and feel like I am not my best self. I try to be my "best self" at work and when I am with students, but for some reason have difficulty doing it outside of work. Does anyone else ever feel like this? If so, what do you do to combat it? What self-care do you practice? Any advice or input would be highly helpful. 

This is me at the end of the day... 

Until next time!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

RAK Week- Thursday/Friday and WRAP UP!

So I have been a little late with posting but I thought I would go ahead and include what my school did for Thursday and Friday for Random Acts of Kindness Week 2014!

Thursday Morning Daily News:
Good morning! This is Agent Jayden and Agent Kristoff from the AIS Secret Service. Today is the fourth day of Random Acts of Kindness week. Today’s message is about making and keeping friends. When you are kind to others, more people want to be around you and be your friend!  Being kind to others is one of the best ways to make and keep friends! How will you show kindness to kids in your class today?
Secret Service Random Act of Kindness: 
On Thursday, my agents delivered some bookmarks that we have been making for our First Graders! Our first and second graders do a unit on Bucket Fillers using the book, "How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids" By Tom Rath.  Our Student Council members helped color some of the bookmarks as well! I had them laminated and then we tied in red string to the ends to jazz them up! The Secret Agents delivered them during our D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read time) and I think the first graders really enjoyed them! 

Friday Morning Daily News:
Good morning! This is Agent Wendy and Agent Stacy from the AIS Secret Service. Today is the final day of Random Acts of Kindness week. Today’s message is about passing kindness on.  When we do kind things for people, they feel so good about what we did that they often do kind acts for others. Thanks to all the students and staff for helping to make this a great week. Now let’s all work together to pass the kindness on throughout our school and into our community throughout the rest of the year!

-AIS Secret Service

Secret Service Random Acts of Kindness
Since it was Valentines Day, our secret service agents made valentines for our librarians and our ICT teacher (Ms. Jen WHO IS AWESOME!). They delivered the valentines wearing their Secret Agent Glasses and badges. 

School-wide RAKS
For Thursday and Friday, I let the classroom teachers choose how they wanted to conclude RAK week within their classrooms. A lot of teachers had activities to wrap-up the week and help build their classroom community. Some of the teachers had buckets in their room in which they had students write down every time they witnessed a RAK and then they shared them on Friday. Some teachers had some really creative ideas with kindness quotes in which the students reflected on what they meant to them during the week and then had to give away their quote on Friday. Overall, the end of the week was a little less structured but I feel it was a great way to encourage focused teacher involvement. 


We wrapped up our RAK week on Monday during a morning assembly. I showed a video of the RAK Week in Review and had some student and teacher volunteers to help me out! Here is the video we showed. 

RAK Week Review

** DISCLAIMER: Although video consent has been received from these students and their parents, this video is to be shared for educational purposes ONLY. Please consider before sharing**

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My TOP 10 First-Year Counselor Tools (Elementary)

When I first started out, I was constantly looking for resources and materials to keep on hand in the office. Currently, these are my top 10 favorite Elementary Counseling tools that I use! 

1. Balloons- Having a supply of balloons in my room has helped me tremendously. I have used them for teaching calm breathing techniques, anger management, group games, team building, stress balls, classroom guidance and SO much more. They have truly been a lifesaver!

2. Question Cards- I keep a supply of laminated question cards (business card size) in my room. These have been helpful in group when we are getting to know one another as well as one-on-one when I am working with a student who is a bit slow to warm. I recommend every first-year elementary school counselor have these on hand!

3. Yarn/String- You would be surprised at how much red yarn I go through. It is good to have on hand just in case you need it. Some of the things I have used yarn/string for include: paper cup phones, classroom guidance lessons about getting "tangled up" in lies, and as tops for bookmarks for Random Acts of Kindness week!

4. Chart paper- Chart paper is super handy when it comes to Classroom Guidance Lessons! Plus, a lot of the teachers want to keep the chart paper after the lesson and hang it up in the classroom.

5. Lanyards- I use lanyards for my Secret Service Agents and for my Lunch Buddy groups. The lanyard works as a hall pass as well as a reminder for students. I try to keep at least 10 lanyards on hand, the ones with the card holders work best.

6. Hula hoop- I keep a green hula hoop in my office and have found that I pull it out usually once a week if not more. I use the hula hoop during small group games and team building mainly. There are tons of things you can do with a hula hoop!!

7. Tissues- This seems like an obvious one...However, I have learned very quickly that it is a good idea to have multiple boxes of tissues around your office. I am very lucky to have such a sizable work space, that being said, I try to keep a tissue box at arms length at all times. I also keep some cinnamon-flavored tissues on hand, they are different and the students like the way they smell.

8. Mini dry-erase board- I have a larger dry-erase board in my room but also keep a small one on hand. Sometimes a student will write down something on the white board that they don't feel comfortable saying out loud and then they can erase it. This can be a very powerful tool.

9. Magic Wand- Ahh the magic wand! I have one magic wand now but hope to acquire more! I use the magic wand a lot during small group discussions and individual work. We use it with the magic question, "If you could wave a magic wand and change something, what would you change?" Plus, whenever some of my students see the magic wand, their curiosity is sparked and they are more inclined to open up.

10.  Clay/Playdough- Awesome to have on hand. I use clay with every group I run at one point or another and most of the students become very engaged! Plus using clay or playdough can be a great stress reliever!

What supplies to you LOVE to use in your counseling program? What would you have on your list? Comment below! 

Random Acts of Kindness Week- Wednesday!

Wow. It is already Wednesday of RAK week! I can't believe it! I have already seen such a shift in the attitudes of some of our staff and students. I keep having students come up to me and tell me some of the RAKs they have done or ones they have seen.

Morning Announcements for Wednesday!

Good morning! This is Agent Anna and Agent Elsa from the AIS Secret Service. Today is the third day of Random Acts of Kindness week. Today’s message is about showing appreciation to those who help you. Appreciation is when you are thankful for what someone else has done for you. Try to find the time today to say THANK YOU to the people who mean the most to you. Remember: a simple “thank you” can go a long way!

Our School-wide RAK
Today some of the "Secret Agents" went out during our DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time and chalked our play area. We don't have a play ground and we are located in the city. However, we do have some pavement outside. The agents COVERED the area in nice phrases and RAK week information. Some of the stuff included things like...

- "RAK WEEK 2014"
- "Be kind to others!"
- "Make someone's day!"
- "Respect!"
- "Smile!"
-"You are awesome!"
-"What RAK have you done today?"

Needless to say, it definitely got our students attention! Unfortunately, since that is our only real play area at the school, the chalk has already started to fade away. The "agents" had a lot of fun doing it and got to wear their sunglasses and badges out in the sun. 

Around the school...

I keep receiving and hearing about RAKs from students and teachers and I can really feel the love at AIS. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness Week- Tuesday!

Random Acts of Kindness Week! TUESDAY!!

Morning Announcements for Tuesday!  

Good morning! This is Agent Cricket and Agent Tiger from the AIS Secret Service. Today is the second day of Random Acts of Kindness week. A simple way to make our school, community, and world a better place is by performing Random Acts of Kindness. How many Random Acts of Kindness can you do today?? Set a goal for yourself for how many RAKs you can do!
-AIS Secret Service 
Random Act of Kindness for our School Service Staff! 
Today, the agents and I posted our heart hands on a display board downstairs. Each of our Service Staff members has a thank you card made on the heart hands. The students wrote "Thank You!" in English and Vietnamese on the cards. We made the hands for our Nannies, Security Guards, Cleaners, and Maintenance Staff. The final product is below: 

Throughout the school...
Already, I have noticed students coming up to me and saying, "Ms. Sara! I have done 3 Random Acts of Kindness already today" or "Ms. Sara, I helped push-in chairs after lunch! I am being kind."  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness Week! Monday!

Assembly Introduction to Random Acts of Kindness Week!
Some mornings we have "Spirit Assemblies". These are used as a way to energize teachers and students and help strengthen our school's community. During these assemblies, we sing our school song and have some announcements. During this week's assembly, I had some of the AIS Secret Service Agents come up in their sunglasses and badges and stand up while we showed a video we created to introduce Random Acts of Kindness. We created this video during our group time and edited it with iMovie (from the App store! AWESOME tool!) 

Check it out! 

The kids seemed to respond well and were excited about the "Secret Agents". 

Morning Announcements for Monday!  

Good morning! This is Agent Dragonfly and Agent Grasshopper from the AIS Secret Service. This week is Random Acts of Kindness week! We perform Random Acts of Kindness when we go beyond what is expected of us and reach out to help another person. There are three simple steps to performing a Random Act of Kindness.

  • The first step is to find out what another person needs. For example, Sally has her hands full and she needs to open the door to get to her class.
  • The second step is to think about how you would feel if you had that need. You might feel frustrated if your hands were full and you could not easily open the door by yourself. 
  • The final step to performing a Random Act of Kindness is to offer your help. Hold the door open and let Sally enter.

There are hundreds of ways to show someone that you care. This week, look for opportunities to show that you care by performing Random Acts of Kindness.
Random Act of Kindness for Teachers!
In order to jump start the week, the students helped post two GIANT paper teacups they created in group. On the teacups they had filled in kind words and compliments for our awesome staff. I donated some tea bags to the Staff lounge and wrote on the board, "Welcome back! AIS is so lucky to have such awesome TEA-chers! Help yourself to some TEA as a thank you for all you do! Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week! -AIS Secret Service"

Classroom Extensions!
I really wanted RAK week to be saturated with information on Kindness and the benefits it has! Up until this point, I have been working with teachers to create lessons for their class that are focused on kindness. Here are some of the resources I shared with them to help spark some ideas! 
"Random Acts of Kindness Week will be here soon! Here are some resources to help your planning and RAK week discussions with your students." 

·         Educator Resources:
·         Character Ed Resource:

·         Kindness Videos from RAK:
·         Story of California high school students who gave a bike to an elementary student who had his bike stolen twice:
·         Kindness Boomerang:
·         How Full is your bucket Video Book (Book also in library):
·         Coca-cola ad (don’t let this defer you) that actually shows quality RAKs:
·         Smiling at others and how it affects others:

...And the Agents?? 
The agents have been helping me out through the day, mainly during break and recess time to post flyers around the school promoting RAK week. They have a busy week ahead of them but I know they can do it!

Here is to a successful first day of RAK Week 2014!

As always, PLEASE share your ideas and additional resources below! I love feedback!

-Ms. Sara

Secret Service Group Part 2!

Some more of the RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS that the SECRET SERVICE AGENTS have been up to this year....

Our 3-5th grade agents reading to our First Graders!

Thank You Cards for our Service Staff (Nannies, Cleaners, Guards)- The larger cards were hand-delivered prior to RAK Week. The hand hearts will be displayed in a display board in our lobby during RAK week! Each of our Service Staff Members has one!

We also created a mini "Preview" as to what is in store for RAK Week 2014. We showed the video at our Pillar Assembly prior to break to get the kids interested in RAK Week! Check it out!
RAK Week Preview

(This was created using iMovie App. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!